In Depth Articles


How Can Massage Help Runners?

Some runners swear by it, others say it’s a waste of money. The fact that most elite runners have regular massage suggests there must be something in it, but how valuable a tool is it for recreational runners? Is there any evidence it reduces injury or increases performance? Let’s take a look…

Five Best Ways For Runners To Warm Up

Want to know the five best ways for runners to warm up? What does the evidence say about Static stretching? How about Dynamic Stretching? What’s Dynamic Mobility? Prepare for surprises!

Hill Sprints for Novice Runners

For those relatively new to regular running, the notion of introducing maximal effort hill sprints is often met with concern over the possibility of over-training and encouraging injury. And yet, including one or two weekly hill sprint sessions into your training may well be safer than just knocking out long distances on flat ground.

logical fallacy

Natural Equals Good – Logical Fallacy

A logical fallacy is something used in discussion / argument / marketing that sounds supportive but is actually based on a misassumption. For example, assuming something /someone must be good because it’s been around for many years is called an ‘appeal to antiquity’. They are worth recognising as soft tissue discussions are full of them.

How to Breathe when Running

How to Breathe when Running

The question of ‘how to breathe when running’ is one that many runners find themselves pondering, especially those new to running or starting to experiment with more intense sessions like sprint or hill intervals. Should we breathe through the mouth or nose? Is there a particular rhythm or technique we should be using?

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Cadence Testing Brighton Marathon

Cadence Testing Brighton Marathon

Cadence when running refers to how many times the feet touch the ground per minute. Some schools of running suggest all runners shoud run at the same cadence, but is this supported ny research? Can reducing or increasing cadence help reduce running injury and increase performance?

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Cadence Testing Brighton Marathon

Cadence Testing Brighton Marathon

Cadence when running refers to how many times the feet touch the ground per minute. Some schools of running suggest all runners shoud run at the same cadence, but is this supported ny research? Can reducing or increasing cadence help reduce running injury and increase performance?

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Heel Striking: Root Of All Evil

Heel Striking: Root Of All Evil

Many runners are still being told by shoe shop staff, personal trainers or other therapists that the way to become a better runner and/or avoid injury is to change their heel strike to a midfoot or forefoot strike. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple and despite the good intention it is delivered with, advice like this can even cause injury.

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