22 Push Up Challenge: Day 7

Day 7 and that weird space age pole with a descending saucer on it is the British Airways i360. Been up it once, view is awesome but still isn’t enough to find a parking space in Brighton’s town centre…

22 Push Up Challenge: Day 6

Day 6 and I’m back in Hove Park at 7.30am for the morning run. But first, driven by the ever increasing urge to perform my push ups somewhere a little different, I noticed the climbing wall…

22 Push Up Challenge: Day 5

Day 5 and after the impromptu push up ‘flash mob’ at Hove Park Cafe yesterday, I decided to restore postural harmony and cleanse my aura by swapping the position of the horses from Day 3.

22 Push Up Challenge: Day 4

Day 4 enjoying a stroll in the park after parkrun… and of course some impromptu push ups! A huge thanks to everyone in Hove Park Cafe and at Brighton parkrun for joining in!

22 Push Up Challenge: Day 3

Day 3 called for some extra help from sturdy thoroughbreds Jasper & Conrad. You will notice a slight height difference but as we all know, symmetry is way overrated.